Information about
- Our address
- Opening hours of restaurant and takeaway center
- Directions to our Restaurant
- You can pay here with
- Vacancies
Our address
Beuldersweg 21
6031 CT Nederweert
Phone number: +31 (0)495-585012
Only in case of malfunctions: +31 (0)6-16284913

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Opening hours
Opening times a la carte restaurant
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: 17:00 to 22:00 (kitchen flexible open until 21:00)
Friday, Saturday: 17:00 to 22:30 (kitchen flexible open until 21:30)
Mondays and Tuesdays closed
Takeaway dishes for vegetarians
All dishes that mention meat or shrimp can be substituted for tofu. The ingredients remain the same.
Order take-away dishes by e-mail:
We do not recommend ordering take-aways through e-mail, as e-mail is not viewed 24/7.
Timetable takeaway
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: 17:00 - 21:00
Friday, Saturday: 17:00 - 21:30
Mondays and Tuesdays closed
Although we have a fixed closing time, we have flexible closing times.
When there is a huge rush in the restaurant area, there will be, to prevent long waiting times at the weekend for the collection center, identified how long it takes for the dish to be ready.
Only one full savings card can be returned per take away. If there are several full savings cards, these must be distributed per take away.

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Directions to our Restaurant
Plan your route by entering your town or zip-code below.

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You can pay here with

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You want to work with Chang Phurk.
At this moment we have no vacancies. However, you can always send an open application by letter or . This should be accompanied by a detailed resume. We will then contact you as soon as a job becomes available.

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